This is a visiting bee (not one of our bees). (S)He joined in enjoying the flowers.

The bees love these purple globe flowers. I need to look them up and get their technical name. We've been planting specific species according to the advice in books I've been reading. So many flowers that we enjoy (gladiolas, dahlias, tulips, geraniums and more) apparently are useful for bees.
This bee is on a wild geranium. The wild version apparently provide bees with food--and thankfully the grow "voluntarily" around here.
I caught the bees and the butterflies enjoying the echinacea.

This is a bee on spirea. They LOVE this plant. It blooms late into the summer and the bees
totally cover the spirea this time of year. The plant seems to be ALIVE with bees!!
This is the bloom from a Virgina Creeper. I never expected the bees to find any value in this bloom--it is not obvious by looking. The bees clearly disagreed! They covered the vines climbing the fences below the yard.
The blue globe flower is the Blue Globe Thistle (Echinops ritro). The bees DO love them, and they also REALLY love Sedum spectabile!